
Ideas for future features in the Gaspump toolkit, things we left out, and things we want more builders on Fuel to bring to the ecosystem

While we made our standard as robust as possible there is a thin line between enabling the ecosystem to flourish and overengineering before actual business use cases emerge, users provide feedback.

There are many potentials for the future of Fuel NFTs that we left out.

โœŒ๐Ÿฝ What We Left Out

๐Ÿช™ NFT Fractionalization

NFT Fractionalization tends to describe an individual NFT broken into smaller fragments, allowing several people to claim ownership of a piece of the same NFT. NFTs are fractionalized using a smart contract programmed to generate a predefined number of fungible tokens linked to the original indivisible NFT.

We believe this is more suitable for the intersection of DeFi and NFTs, and the Fuel Dev Rel team already started an reference example for this.

๐Ÿ›๏ธ Marketplace

We rather work with Thunder marketplace and not worrying about selling NFTs. Minting collections is already enough and the main reason why we are doing this is to include the robustness of our NFTs within a collection while allowing for a familair distribution mechanism to traditional NFT drops. Additionally other blue nft toolkits like Metaplex and TenK function similarly.

๐Ÿ„ Semifungiblity

Semifungiblity is also a concept that is in other NFT ecosystems like Etheruem and Solana. Sometimes referred to a SFTs

An example of this in Solana is the Rare Wojack collections, where NFTs are displayed inside of a wallet just as tokens do.

In Ethereum there are a couple of different interpretations to Semifungiblity.

This is different than the ERC-1155 standard that originally pioneered the Semi-fungible term

๐Ÿ™ What We Want to See in the โšก๏ธFuel Ecosystem

We can only build so much, if you are interested in implementing the following ideas, start building today.

  • DAO Tooling

  • Social Auth Onboarding

  • NFT Swap Marketplace (Bartering)

  • NFT Lending

  • Quadratic Funding (GItcoin Equivalent)

  • Reputation Systems (can be built on top of us)

  • NFT Based DAO Tooling

    • DAO Membership that syncs to NFT Ownership

    • Permissioning based on different roles and traits within a NFT

  • Smart Contract Wallets

Last updated