Soul Bound
We put our Soul into these NFTs.
Last updated
We put our Soul into these NFTs.
Last updated
Soul Bound NFTs traditionally denoted non-transferable NFTs (NT NFTs or SBTs)
We believe a Soul Bound NFT has the following attributes
Non Transferability: once you have the NFT you cannot send it to another person / contract
Consentablitiy: No means no. No Fuel Transfer. No NFT. We should be allowed to define whether if certain NFTs require the "receiver" to allow the receiving of a NFT
Recoverability / Revocability: Soul Bound NFTs are essentially auth tokens issued by an official organization. It may be later denoted by an issue (whether an individual or a DAO) that a bad actor got himself access to one of the auth tokens and must be revoked. Similar to update authority, this admin access would allow a issuer to take back the nft. We don't believe every SBT should have this functionality, but a standard should be robust to include this.
Cardinality: Whether a SBT should have a 1-1 relation from type of badge to person or 1-many. Use cases may include. One may argue that this cardinality can be encapsulated through fungible tokens, but for compatibility with other Soul Bound NFT standards across other ecosystem we thing that cardinality should be allowed AND that this should be represented through a NFT compatible interface.
Badges, DIDs, Credentialing
How do we prevent NFT spamming? Consensual NFTs
How do we revoke access? -> recoverability / revokability
A wallet can still be transferred off chain
Consensual NFT will need to listen on chain for UX to be seamless